Directions of home textile industry

Our country’s home textile industry is the sub-industry with the best development prospects and the fastest growth rate in the entire textile industry.

In the future, the development of our country’s home textile industry will focus on the following directions.

First, scenario-based marketing is gradually emerging, from “seller spinning” to “selling lifestyle”. Re-create scene-based experience, and enhance brand value by optimizing product design and services. Physical stores are making great efforts to bring consumers back offline with high-quality scene-based marketing experience.

The second is to actively increase independent innovation. In the increasingly fierce homogenization of home textile enterprises, if the enterprise wants to break through the siege, it must take a slant. Through novel and unique innovative design, we can win the recognition of consumers, build industry reputation, and strengthen brand competitiveness. Independent innovation should also be reflected in the improvement of management concepts. The home textile industry should introduce a scientific and modern management system with the times. Only in this way can a new step of enterprise development be taken more steadily.

Third, cross-border integration is more frequent. Home textiles and smart equipment, high-tech materials, and art are integrated and developed together. While achieving win-win cooperation between enterprises, it also provides consumers with one-stop, integrated home furnishing solutions and services.

Post time: Apr-06-2022