Happy Color Is Popular In 2023 Household Circle – Fiery Red

Color trends change from year to year. Recently, PANTONE, the authoritative global color organization, predicted and released the 2023 New York Fashion Week spring/summer color trend report, a total of 10 popular colors, from fashion to household, creating new inspiration for fashion.


The whole season is full of experimental and dramatic , dynamic and static, traditional and innovative color mixing. Exciting color expression presents an unrestrained, positive response to the current life. Let’s try to put pop colors into the space and see what clever inspiration we can get!



 Fiery Red 


From Lava Falls Red in autumn and winter this year to Cherry Tomato Red in spring and summer in London in 2023, the vibrant red tone has a high exposure rate throughout the year. However, the 2023 New York spring and summer red adds a little gray tone, making the highly publicized red more stable, and appropriately highlighting the popular color theme that traditional inheritance and contemporary innovation should be integrated. The red color of fortitude and firmness, composure and self-confidence is like an exciting burst of spiritual energy! It is not only eye-catching, but also enthusiastic.

It seems exaggerated to use a large area of red at home. However, if we pay attention to the contrast between dark and bright colors and the proportion of dark and bright colors, we can show a unique and dramatic color mix.




Post time: Nov-14-2022